Work With Us

Since we believe that our success is directly related to the team we bring to each project, we strive to create a cohesive partnership with all members of the team.
This includes service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, and employees. We value long-term relationships with each of these stakeholders and realize that the quality and efficiency of our performance is largely dependent on them. We place a high value on character, integrity, communication, and quality.

You can email the documents to info@gogallant.com or mail them to our office. Invoices for work completed should also be emailed to this address, or mailed to our office.
See sample certificate for reference.
We are required to have a copy of your General Liability and Workers’ Compensation insurance coverage in the form of a certificate of insurance, in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate, naming Gallant Construction Inc. as additionally insured, including Ongoing and Completed Operations and a Waiver of Subrogation. Failure to provide us with this may result in you not being allowed to perform as a subcontractor on our projects or delay payment on invoices. A certificate of insurance for your coverage is obtainable from your insurance agent.
We also must obtain a copy of your current CCB or Washington/other state license if applicable showing your Construction Contractors Board license number and expiration date.
See blank W-9 form for reference. Also, it is required by law that we have on file a W-9 with your TIN (tax identification number), legal name and address, and type of business. Failure to submit this information to us may result in a withholding of 30% of certain reportable payments, as outlined by the IRS. Please complete the information on the W9 form and return immediately.
courageous | excellence
We courageously look for opportunities to show commitment to making things happen.
harmony | teamwork
Our team is built on a shared vision with an altruistic (unselfish) aim to serve others.
ethics | character
We are honest and have strong moral principles.
commitment | dedication
We are dedicated to our team members and our customers.
grow | thrive
We are committed to the growth of our people so they can grow in their God-given potential.
What you value is up to you, and if you take a stand on your value, you will more likely find someone who values what you do.
– Dr. Henry Cloud